The fact is:
The chemical composition of cow’s milk is NOT the same as human milk. It is totally unnatural to man. The enzymes necessary to break down and digest milk (rennin and lactase) are all gone by the age of three in most humans. For example most Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, South Americans, and Eastern, Central, or Southern Europeans are deficient in lactase, the enzymes that splits lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and galactose. If they drink milk or eat milk products, they will end up with a lot of undigested lactose in their intestinal tracts. As the bacteria feast on the undigested sugar, they excrete waste products that give you pain, gas cramps. To avoid this, many national cuisines instinctively avoid milk.
Pasteurized cow’s milk in any form is the most mucus-forming food. When pasteurized, it has nothing in it that is of use to the body, since pasteurizing depletes milk of its enzymes, vitamins and life force.
There is an element in all milk known as casein. There is 300 times more casein in cow’s milk than human milk. Casein coagulates in the stomach and forms a large, tough, dense, difficult-to-digest thick mass (curds). Once inside the human system, some of this substance hardens and adheres to the lining of the intestines and prevents the absorption of nutrients into the body. One of the major contributing factor to thyroid problems is casein.
Dairy products do the same in your body. That translates into more weight instead of weight loss. The fact that dairy products are highly processed and always have traces of penicillin and antibiotics in them, places even more a burden on your system.
Most people would not drink milk if they
were not so influenced by the myth that
milk is essential for the bones. If you
are prone to Osteoporosis or Osteoarthritis,
then consider the following facts:
The calcium in cow’s milk is much coarser than in human’s milk and it is tied up with casein. This prevents calcium from being absorbable.
Most milk-drinkers and cheese-eaters consume pasteurized, homogenized, or otherwise processed products. This processing degrades the calcium, making it very difficult to utilize.
Cow’s milk may be very rich in calcium but its high calcium to magnesium ratio can make it difficult to be absorbed. In certain people or blood-types, the calcium may be deposited in places where it is not required, hence the development of calcification of bones and other parts of the body.
There is quantitatively more phosphorus than calcium in cow’s milk. To metabolise that much phosphorus, the body requires extra amounts of calcium, which it extracts from the bones, teeth, and muscles. This leads to a calcium deficiency in these parts of the body.
Storage of excessive amounts of milk protein in the connective tissues and basement membranes of the capillaries reduces the diffusion of essential minerals and vitamins to the tissues of the body. This causes a depletion of nutrients in the tissues, especially of those that form the bones and joints.
To digest whole milk the human body requires large amounts of bile. Drinking low fat milk makes matters even worse. Low fat milk requires less bile to digest the fat contained in the milk, yet milk protein cannot be digested without the natural amounts of milk fat. Added to that, without sufficient bile, calcium cannot be properly digested or absorbed either.
The large amounts of undigested milk protein increase acidity in the body and the unused crude milk calcium can cause calcification of joints, arteries or kidneys. This can make protein foods with lowered fat-content hazardous to health.
Scientists have discovered that Milk consumption is linked to diabetes and allergies. Children who are fed with cow’s milk formulae rather than with breast milk were the most likely candidates for diabetes.
Beta-casein (a particular protein) in cow’s milk can trigger an immune response that may, in turn, cross-react with an antigen to cause an allergic reaction. An allergy is the body’s response to fight a substance that it considers dangerous to its health and survival.
Recently there has been an incredible push for increasing dietary calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis. While this appears to be sound medical advice for many, osteoporosis represents much more than a lack of dietary calcium.
It is complex condition involving hormonal, lifestyle, and nutritional factors.
One of the main roles of calcium is to neutralize acid in the system. Many people who think they have a calcium deficiency are on highly acidic diets, so the calcium in their bodies is constantly being usurped to neutralize the acid.
They are getting plenty of calcium in their diets, but it is continually used up.
The fact is that all green leafy vegetables contain calcium. All nuts (raw) contain calcium. And raw sesame seeds contain more calcium than any other food on earth. Also most fruit contains ample calcium. If you are eating fruits and vegetables daily and some raw nuts even occasionally, you can not have a calcium deficiency. The best source of calcium are raw sesame seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, kelp, broccoli, millet, oats, all leafy greens, and concentrated fruits such as figs, dates, and prunes. And if you are still worried, sprinkle some ground raw sesame seeds on your salad or on your vegetables every so often, and you could not have a calcium deficiency even if you wanted one.
Is Milk Bad for Everyone?
Blood Type “O’ should severely restrict their use of dairy products. Your system is ill designed for their proper metabolism. They can lead to undesirable weight gain, increased inflammation, and fatigue.
Blood Type “A’ can tolerate small amounts of dairy products (yogurt, kefir, soya milk, goat’s milk). Most dairy products are not digestible for Type A – for the simple reason that Type A blood creates antibodies to the primary sugar in whole milk – D-galactosmine.
Milk protein remains undigested and can trigger allergic reactions with intense mucus irritation and sinus congestion. Blood vessel walls tend to clog up quickly with excessive proteins as a result of overeating dairy foods or meat. This may explain why “A’ Blood-type are more prone to obesity and congestive heart failure than the others.
Unlike Blood Type “O’ and Type “A’, Type “B’ seem to digest and metabolise milk much better. That is because the primary sugar in the Type B antigen is D-galactosamine, the same sugar present in milk.
Blood Type “AB’ can use dairy products with discretion. Cultured and soured products – yogurt, kefir and sour cream are beneficial for Type “AB’.
If you are going to eat dairy products,
combine them properly:
Milk should be taken absolutely alone, it’s the most mucus-forming food, and it does not go well with anything.
If you want to have cheese, have it with salad, or melt some over vegetables.
Same with yogurt. Don’t have it with fruit on the bottom; it will all ferment and putrefy in your system. Have it plain on an empty stomach, or mix with salad.
Use dairy products made with raw goat’s milk since it is nearer to human milk and is also much less mucus-forming.