Deanka Blago Kamilic (N.D. C.N.A.)


Sport Physiotherapist
Dipl. Physiotherapist
College of Oriental Medicine, UK - Naturopathy

Doctor in Nutrition
Electro-acupunture diagnostics and therapy
Antiparasite theraphy
Professional Examination
Member Pancyprian Association of Alternative Therapeutics

Despite all greatest medicine Man created, Mother Nature  is the biggest and the oldest pharmacist in the world! This website seeks to draw from the forgotten wisdom of the past, focusing on universal principles and healing powers of the body itself.

The information presented here is confirmed by the actual experience of many people, people who have proven, that the moment they become aware of their potential – they are able to change their world. To become aware of something is always the key to being able to do something about it.

The human body is truly one of the universe’s major wonders. All the power of the universe is within human body. This was given to the Man right from the beginning.
Your potential is unlimited in all that you have chosen to do. The issue of health and disease often comes down to individual responsibility. In this context, responsibility means choosing a healthy alternative over a less healthy one.

Disease and pain are not natural for Man, they are the effect of
choosing the wrong path in life.

“Disease itself occurs because Man is moving away from the natural mechanisms, which have been designed to watch his health and life-sustenance. It is no problem at all for these mechanisms to fight any disease just because it is namely the essence of their existence. The benefits which  Man can enjoy once he creates informational contact with a small space of Mother Nature is much greater than just a help in the struggle against diseases.”

There is no disease, no illness,
no physical imbalance which will not respond to the innate,
healing power of nature, once it is summoned.
Once it is set free.

Copyright 2008 The Road to Health and Vitality